Interface ActiveMQSecurityManager3

    • Method Detail

      • validateUser

        java.lang.String validateUser​(java.lang.String user,
                                      java.lang.String password,
                                      RemotingConnection remotingConnection)
        is this a valid user. This method is called instead of ActiveMQSecurityManager.validateUser(String, String).
        user - the user
        password - the users password
        remotingConnection -
        the name of the validated user or null if the user isn't validated
      • validateUserAndRole

        java.lang.String validateUserAndRole​(java.lang.String user,
                                             java.lang.String password,
                                             java.util.Set<> roles,
                                             java.lang.String address,
                                             RemotingConnection remotingConnection)
        Determine whether the given user is valid and whether they have the correct role for the given destination address. This method is called instead of ActiveMQSecurityManager.validateUserAndRole(String, String, Set, CheckType).
        user - the user
        password - the user's password
        roles - the user's roles
        checkType - which permission to validate
        address - the address for which to perform authorization
        remotingConnection - the user's connection
        the name of the validated user or null if the user isn't validated